PACT – Parents Association of Children with Tumours and Leukaemia
Cure rates for children are much higher than for most adult cancers.
The survival rate for children’s cancer has more than doubled since the 1960s (information from CCLG) But still for each and every family of a sick child it’s a physically, emotionally and financially exhausting journey that can last for years.
Parents and carers are split between their children; ‘career’ and ‘jobs’ are put on hold for daily trips to, or long stays at hospital; and children undergo harsh treatments and miss the support and friendship of their school friends.

What we do
PACT offers emotional, social, and practical support to families in South Yorkshire who have children and young individuals battling cancer, aiming to enhance their quality of life.
The charity is run by parents and we are passionate about helping parents and children; sharing what helped us through the journey and making sure we support each individual through their personal experiences.
A Helping Hand
We own and run a five bedroomed en-suite house just up the road from Sheffield Children's Hospital. Families can use this to stay, cook or just go there for some much needed space away from the hospital environment.
A Home
After going through months of treatment, a break in our caravans can make a huge difference to a family.
We have a team who understand and cares for the families and offers them emotional and practical support.
Social Support
Babies, toddlers, infants, teens, and siblings all have different needs, understandings and concerns, and we make sure our support is right for each of these groups.
Age Specific Support for children and siblings
All about
PACT was founded in 1977 – with a donation of £113 – when eight parents created a support group for families whose children had cancer.
PACT started raising funds for a Christmas party and a summer trip for the children. The charity expanded its remit to include children with leukaemia in 1978 and, as funds were secured, services grew to include new ideas like the provision of equipment and facilities for families.
Over the last 47 years PACT has continued to raise money to help support the families, and increasingly to support the ward and clinic at the hospital.
We own and run a house in Sheffield right next to the Sheffield Childrens Hospital.
We provide practical support by purchasing equipment for the ward, school room and clinic and for the community nurses who look after the children in their own homes.
Every year we provide trips and treats for the children and their families and we own three caravans at local well known holiday parks. These facilities provide a welcome opportunity for a holiday break and some quality family time.
We know how families can often struggle financially during this time and where possible we provide breakfast and lunch for the Parents who’s children are inpatients. We also provide a treat trolley for the children where the children can choose two items free of charge.
We offer our support to every family who is referred to the Oncology unit at Sheffield Children's Hospital and whose child has cancer irrespective of where they live. Our help continues when the child is in remission or even if the child does not survive and it only stops when the child moves on to adult services.
Find out more about PACT by watching our video.

Who we help
PACT provides a service for our region in South, North Derbyshire, and North East Lincolnshire.

When the need arises we are also there to help national and even international patients.
We don't provide the medical care - this comes from the dedicated experts from Sheffield Children's Hospital.
How we Help
We have a team who understands and cares for the families and offers them emotional and practical support. Babies, toddlers, infants, teens and siblings all have different needs, understandings and concerns. We make sure our support is right for each of these groups.
Support Services
In lots of cases local hospitals are unable to provide the specialist care essential for the treatment of children with complex and life threatening illnesses such as cancer. This is where specialist regional centres like Sheffield step in.
The good news is that these centres have fantastic medical services for the children. The challenge is that children may have to stay there for days, weeks, or months at a time, making it difficult for parents to travel to the hospital repeatedly, and find places to eat, sleep, and shower whilst looking after their sick child at a very frightening time for everyone.
This is where PACT House fits in. We have a house minutes from the hospital with five en-suite bedrooms, a Parents lounge, a communal kitchen and a playroom and it has been in continuous use since 1998. This means that we can keep families together and give them a respite from the stress of hospital. There is also a facility to cook if you are not staying at Pact House.
PACT House
Providing and organising holidays for children and their families who are on this journey is just one of the ways we help the families under-going cancer treatment.
After going through months of treatments, a short break in our caravans can make a huge difference to a family.
As courses of treatment can last up to 3 years in some cases family life is often put on hold and any holidays may need to be cancelled if the child picks up an infection and needs to go to hospital. So just when the need for a break is at its greatest, this is the hardest time for families to arrange and afford a holiday.
Meet the team
The Team
Beryl Welburn
PACT Coordinator
Beryl has worked at Pact for many years and has first hand experience of what Parents are going through as her own daughter had leukaemia aged four, she is now in her thirties with two children of her own. As well as supporting the families Beryl also manages Pact House.

Sarah Harrison
Assistant PACT Coordinator
Sarah has been involved with us since volunteering in 2017 and became a permanent member of the team in February 2019. As well as supporting the families Sarah also manages all social media platforms.

Nicola Brown
Clerical Officer
Nicola has been at PACT since October 2018. As well as supporting the families Nicola’s responsibilities is finance and administrative duties within the office.

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PACT'S Objectives